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Welcoming your spirit guides and healers to assist in helping you heal.

A shaman is only a facilitator of your healing. The session explores ‘dis-ease’ using the medicine wheel’s 4 perspectives of Physical, Mental,Emotional and Spiritual. Spirit doctors and healing guides instruct me in methods of clearing or increasing energy pathways for you to be able to heal yourself.



Converse with the spirit council of 44 Grandmothers. Perspective and advice from spirits who know you and love you and want the best for you will help you find, honour and practice your personal medicine.

If we still lived in tribal societies you could go and counsel with your elders and get their perspective and advice. 44 Female spirits across the ages have formed this spiritual council for just this purpose. It is a conversation, not a reading. Bring your concerns and questions and I will channel the conversation between you and the Grandmothers. Any number of Grandmother’s will show up to assist you.

Warning: the perspective and advice can be a bit confronting -- as any proper Grandmother would be.



If the body is exposed to the right frequencies, it can heal.

I am a highly experienced sound healer using tuning forks, crystal bowls, rattles and drums.

  • Tune up: A set of 11 tuning forks activate the tree of life within your body. Blocks are identified and spirits help you to resolve the blocks so that these frequencies re-establish your divine self.

  • Chakra Balance: A specific set of tuning forks balance your chakras. Using corresponding forks that are placed on the body to send clearing and healing frequencies directly into a chakra.



The sacred geometric designs left for us have heling and alignment power.

Your higher-self and I position cards holding crop circle patterns at various meridian points to bring that specific energy frequency into your body or to remove excess.

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Trauma causes parts of your soul to split off leaving you feeling incomplete and unable to progress or cope.

I have been trained in the traditional art of soul retrieval, journeying into the spirit dimensions to hunt for and bring back severed parts of your soul. Each soul piece is integrated back into your body and a new agreement is established for the re-establishment of your whole and complete soul.

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Artists often experience blocks to the creative flow and blocks to success. The good news is there is a process to remedy this.

The reconnection for artists weaves a grid of energy around and through your body that establishes the energetic pathways that an artist needs to thrive.

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The drum is the most powerful tool for the Shaman. It is the vehicle to safely guide you to the realms of spirit. 

I have years and years of experience guiding people on journeys to the lower world to connect with totem animals and healing guides; the middle world to gain perspective on current issues and patterns; the upper world for spirit healing and establishing personal temples and meetings with extra-dimensional beings.  

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Objects from our relations (stones, plants, fir, feathers, shells and bones) become the talisman that represent your purpose and your gifts.  

Working with your higher self, you intuitively co-create a three dimensional art piece.  I will interpret the creation to help you build a manifesto for your path. 

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Your subconscious mind is more powerful than your conscious mind. It is essential to work directly with the subconscious.

I will assist you to by-pass the conscious mind to integrate and explore past lives as well as healing and commitment for change. 

Free downloads 

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Sometimes spirits are trapped and need help to move on.

I am a highly experienced psychopomp (helping souls on their journey).  I can help clear homes and lands.

At Beltane and Samhain times I hold a large public 'spirit leaving' ceremony and we help dozens of spirits to transition from this world. 

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Ritual and ceremony is missing in our modern lives. 


As a theatre and film director, along with the Grandmothers and guides, I am experienced at designing and facilitating personal and community rituals.  

  • Weddings  

  • Christenings 

  • Transitions

  • Achievements

  • Naming 

  • Performances



  1. New Moon Sacred Pipe 

    • Honouring the lunar cycle of the moon helps us to grow and learn. I am a sacred pipe carrier. My pipe was christened as a New Moon pipe.  Each New Moon, I conduct a special ceremony to help the people. 

  2. Autumn Equinox 

    • The time of gathering the harvest, thanking the masculine for the physical work of the spring and summer and making requests of the feminine to help our visions and dreams of the autumn and winter 

  3. Winter Solstice 

    • Thanking the sun for its gifts of life, light and warmth, welcoming the return of the light and using the remaining time to plan for the creation of all the things we will need.  

  4. Spring Equinox 

    • The time of growth and flowering, thanking the feminine for the strong visions and dreams of the autumn and winter and making requests of the masculine to help us build and create our future. 

  5. Summer Solstice 

    • Honouring the help of the sun for the warmth and energy and preparing for the dreaming time coming as the days get shorter and the nights get longer.  

The chance to work directly with me and learn shamanic skills and techniques from my tradition.


  1. The Shaman’s Path Apprenticeship 

    • From time to time I take on apprentices for a full, one year plus one day cycle. 

  2. The artist as Shaman course 

    • Artistic creations (music, performance, writing, painting, drawing, sculpting) are our way of putting love into the world. I take artists through a structured program of stepping into the role of the artist as shaman. 

  3. Crystal activation 

    • Crystals are holders of information and their vibrations hold transformative potentials.  I can help you build your personal relationship with crystals as tools for you to use. 

  4. Pendulum 

    • Spirits and your higher-self can speak through the tool of the pendulum to help you receive yes and no answers to situations, opportunities and questions.  I've helped many to develop the skill of using and interpreting the motions of your pendulum. 

  5. Platonic solids 

    • The geometric keys to the universe and all of creation are within the 5 platonic solids.  I create journeys to take you inside each of these to unlock the keys to the elements and the universe.  

  6. Shamanic journeying  

    • Being able to journey to other dimensions it the work of the shaman. Anyone can perfect their abilities to access these realms through mentored practice with journeying.  



There are various tools that a Shaman uses.  I'm happy to help people build these tools, and learn to use them.

  1. Flat shaman drum 

    • All materials are provide in this day long ceremony of creating your shamanic drum. 

  2. Rattle 

    • You gather the seeds or stones, all other materials are provided in this day long ceremony of creating your shamanic rattle. Each rattle is programmed for a specific purpose.  

  3. Feather fans 

    • Smudging / Cleansing spaces and auras is an integral part of the shaman’s work. I will help you build this tool as well as share techniques of using it. 

  4. Medicine pouches 

    • Ceremonial objects need to be protected and transported in pouches that contain your energy and are made from animal hides that are appropriate for the task. I will supply all the materials for you to create pouches for your tools.  


From time to time you are invited to join me and my colleagues on working spiritual trips. 

  • South Africa   

    • A shaman's journey

    • days of ceremony and discovery shamanic rituals and ceremonies

  • Ireland 

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